The Club runs a number of leagues throughout the year. These leagues offer members organized competition against a variety of opponents. To play the Tuesday Team League, players must be NJTTC members. All other leagues are open to members and non-members.

– Fees for each league:  $10/night or $120/annual for NJTTC members (member substitutes for team league: Free). $22/night for non-NJTTC members (outsiders).

Tuesday League

The Tuesday League is a USATT Singles League players (adults or juniors). Players are placed into round robin groups based on their ratings. There will be a small money prize** to the winner of Division 1 and Division 2. All other division winners will be promoted to the next higher division the following week. League starts at 8:00 PM on Thursdays. Please call the club or text the chairperson before 7:50 PM to reserve your spot. Spots are limited, first comes first served.
Fees:  See above (Fees for each league).

** Prize will only be awarded when there are “per night” fees to be collected that night. If no one has to pay, there will be no “prize award”.

Ratings: The World League Syndicate (WLS) may be used along with SimplyCompete system (USATT). The WLS app will be used to calculate ratings based on Wins and Losses. WLS ratings are based on a scale of 1-100. All players will be required to sign up for an account on WLS smart phones app.

Thursday Individual League
The Thursday League is a USATT Singles League for advanced players (adults or juniors), a USATT Tournament or League rating >= 1600 within the last 12 months is required for eligibility. Players are placed into round robin groups based on their ratings. There will be a small money prize** to the winner of Division 1 and Division 2. All other division winners will be promoted to the next higher division the following week. League starts at 8:00 PM on Thursdays. Please call the club or text the chairperson before 7:50 PM to reserve your spot. Spots are limited, first comes first served.

Fees:  See above (Fees for each league).

** Prize will only be awarded when there are “per night” fees to be collected that night. If no one has to pay, there will be no “prize award”.

Ratings: The World League Syndicate (WLS) may be used along with SimplyCompete system (USATT). The WLS app will be used to calculate ratings based on Wins and Losses. WLS ratings are based on a scale of 1-100. All players will be required to sign up for an account on WLS smart phones app.

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Thursday League Results here